
<The magic of the white snake>(22/34)

2017-08-11 宋增科 草坪驿站






很喜欢德国人Helmut Matt &美国人Linda Marie Matt合著的<The Magic Of The White Snake>(白蛇传奇),现摘抄其中的片段,仅供爱好者欣赏,如喜欢,希请购买正版

And so,the white snake lady and the green  lady went together to search for Xu Xian,Suzhen’s lost husband.

In fact it didn’t take long until Suzhen  suddenly had a complete picture in her mind:the entire way to the Jinshan  Monastery and even her captured husband Xian appeared clear as crystal(清晰明了如水晶).

He is imprisoned in the Jinshan Monastery.He cannot  leave the premise().I may not yet be able discern(识别) who or what keeps him captured there,but for  me,there is absolutely no doubt who is reponsibly for all this…

Passing the last hours at the edge of the town,passing through moist grassland and breezy  bamboo groves,the two ladies,after several hours of an exhausting foot  march,finally reached a narrow,stony path from where a mountain with a monastery at its peak  appeared in the distance.

That is where he must be.Let us walk faster.

Suzhen quickened her step,pulling Xiao Qing  by her hand.

An uncanny,even spooky(幽灵般的) slience enveloped(包裹) the Jinshan Monastery.

Suzhen lifted the heavy iron ring and let  it fall against the old wooden door.

There was no reaction,no sign of life.

Suzhen knocked once again.

No sound interrupted the deep slience.

I see you didn’t dare come here along!

A raspy(嘶哑的) voice broke forth from the opposing ledge.

Fa Hai,expecting  the visitors,had therefore(因此) spent the right outside.

Xiao Qing was horrified(吓倒了).

Never before in her life hadshe  seen such a grotesque(奇异的) face.

She felt that it was not a human being  standing there,but in  contrast to (相反)Suzhen,she did not immediately recognize that this  monstrosity rearing above them was,in fact,the jealous turtle from the West  Lake.

My time has come.Xu Xian is under my control.You  will never see him alive again.Now you will pay for betraying(背叛) me in the depths of the West Lake by stealing the  jiaozi which was my prerogative(right,权利).

Fa Hai threw a mighty(巨大的) bolt of lightning.

If Suzhen had not quick-wittedly(急中生智) grabbed her friend Qing and thrown them on the  ground,she surely would have fallen off the bridge into the yawning abyss(深渊) below.

